EXTRA CREDIT ASSIGNMENT - Be the first person to explain to me what labor day is and why we celebrate it, and receive 5 extra credit points in the class of your choice. Write your answer out on a sheet of paper and turn it in.
Last week we were unable to make our pennants due to lack of magazines, but this week students and staff have already brought in a variety of magazines, with that in mind we will complete our pennant projects this Friday, make sure that you are here.
Ms. Jones and I have a couple upcoming events in our classrooms.
1. A week from Friday we taking a stroll to Schiller Park in German Village, before you can take go make sure that you see myself or Ms. Jones for a permission form to leave school grounds, if you are over 18 you can sign it yourself, if you are under 18 you will need a parent or guardian to sign the form. While at the park you will find a quiet place to read the book of your selection, once you have completed your reading assignment we can throw the football, shoot some hoops, or go for a walk around the park before we head back to school. Last but not least, THERE WILL BE NO SMOKING DURING THIS FIELD TRIP.

2. I am hoping to put student work, pictures of students, and recognizing FLA students by name on this blog, in order to this I need your permission, or permission from your parent or guardian if you are under 18. See me for the permission form so we can recognize your AWESOMENESS online.
3. Soon your will be creating your own accounts on blogspot, so you can respond to my posts online, and eventually create your own blog.
4. Make sure to cheer on the Buckeyes this Saturday as they take on the criminals from the University of Miami.

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